0)? $rv : ''; } function listCat($category_id) { if ($category_id=="") $category_id=1; $tags = ""; $cnt=0; $mainSection = true; $ips = split ("\.", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $ipTag = sprintf("%02x%02x%02x%02x",$ips[0],$ips[1],$ips[2],$ips[3]); echo "
"; $sql="SELECT l.fob_id, l.merchant_id, l.fob_nm, s.width_no, s.height_no, s.align_cd, l.img_url, l.link_url, l.tag_url, l.display_txt, l.html, date_format(l.end_dt,'%m/%e/%Y') end_dt, info_tag, l.weight, l.cj_id, g.can_id, g.store_nm FROM FOB_Listing l LEFT JOIN Golden_Can g ON l.merchant_id = g.merchant_id LEFT JOIN Ad_Size s ON l.size_id = s.size_id WHERE (l.html like '%shipping%') and l.active_yn = 'Y' and l.start_dt <= curdate() and (l.end_dt >= now() or l.end_dt = '0000-00-00' or l.end_dt is null) and l.size_id = s.size_id ORDER BY l.weight DESC"; if ($result=mysql_query($sql)) { while ($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { list($fob_id, $merchant_id, $fob_nm, $width_no, $height_no, $align_cd, $img_url, $link_url, $tag_url, $display_txt, $html, $end_dt, $info_tag, $weight, $cj_id, $can_id, $store_nm) = $row; $endStr = ($end_dt=="" or substr($end_dt,0,2) == '00')? '' : ' [ends '.$end_dt.']'; $endStr .= ($weight==1)? "\n" : "
\n"; $infoTag =($info_tag==1) ? $ipTag : ''; if ($weight == 1) { if ($mainSection) { $mainSection = false; echo "\n"; if ($cj_id > 0) { $disp = '
"; // print top menu list($season_cat, $season_nm, $season_file) = sqlRow("SELECT category_id, category_nm, file_nm FROM FOB_Category WHERE season_end > now() ORDER BY season_end"); fobMenu($category_id,-5,'top','index.html','index'); echo ' ~ '; fobMenu($category_id,2,'top','stores.html','stores','Inventory of Select Internet Stores'); echo ' ~ '; fobMenu($category_id,1,'top','sales.html','sales','Internet Sales and Coupons'); echo ' ~ '; fobMenu($category_id,15,'top',"lastmin.html","last minute","Last Minute"); echo ' ~ '; fobMenu($category_id,5,'top',"factory.html","factory direct","Factory Direct Stores"); echo ' ~ '; fobMenu($category_id,6,'top',"deals.html","daily deals"); echo " ~ "; fobMenu($category_id,3,"top","discount.html","discount"); echo " ~ "; fobMenu($category_id,4,"top","clearance.html","clearance"); echo "
\n"; $mStyle = ($mSeven)? 'mainSeven' : 'main'; echo '
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